Sarenza has another lookbook which I wanted to share with you. According to Sarenza, these four trends will be hot this fall and winter. The trends are masculine, chelsea, (faux) leather, closed boots or cut out boot. I definitely want to try chelsea boots, though not the one shown in the lookbook. I also still want to try cut out boots. Love the edgy look they have.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Fall trends 2014
I wrote about the fall trends for this year a few times before. This time I wanted to show the trends based on what we saw at Fashion Week. Hufftingon Post Canada listed 10 styles and I wanted to show these styles and some more.
Extreme turtleneck
new collection,
I went to Amsterdam with a friend. We hadn't shopped since Antwerp so it was about time. Of course the main reason for this day was catching up and hanging out. We had an amazing day and ate some delicious cheese cake. We also went to Forever 21 and I really liked this store, unlike that time in Antwerp. I bought a lot this day and I want to show what I bought.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
The sporty collection of Alexander Wang for H & M
The launch of the Alexander Wang for H & M collection is coming closer and closer. The collection will be available on November 6. With the launch coming closer it also means more pictures are available. I still don't know what to think of the collection. I don't have anything against sporty clothing, but this looks like sportswear. And I like my sportswear and my regular clothes to be different. So I guess I do know my opinion of the pictures we've seen.
Friday, September 26, 2014
National Glamour Day
* Only in the Netherlands and Belgium.
National Glamour Day is here again. Or rather, tomorrow. But I wanted to warn you on time. I posted every discount code of stores participating tomorrow. This discount only works when you enter the code online. You can't use the code in stores. You can only get discount if you buy a Glamour and show it tomorrow when you at cash register. Of course you will only get it if this store participates in National Glamour Day. More than 4000 stores joined this National Glamour Day. Last time I ordered a jumpsuit at H & M, I wouldn't be surprised if I will order something tomorrow.
Warm with the parka
My parka from C & A came in and boy I'm in love with it. I don't really like cold weather, but now I'm prepared. And I'm kinda looking forward to it with this coat. I'm sure I'll regret these words when it gets really cold. But at least I will wear my parka very often then right? This parka was only € 39,90 and I'm sure it's worth it.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
The shaping jeans
I discovered shaping skinny jeans on the webshop of H & M. I've never heard of shaping jeans. Do you? These jeans are available in four colors: medium dark blue, light blue, dark blue and black. The price of these jeans are € 49,99. The jeans are a little bit precier than other H & M jeans, but still really affordable.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Fall trends with Vero Moda
If you didn't know the fall trends by know, I'm sure after looking at a few webshops of clothing brands you will. Most of these brands show the new trends with their own clothes. It's nice for the people who care less about fashion and for those who need inspiration. Certainly these outfits inspire me. These pictures from Vero Moda are a lookbook and showcases the latest trends.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Fashion Week pictures
Fashion week has ended a while ago, but I just wanted to show some outfits people wore to the fashion shows. Of course the fashion shows them selfs are very interesting. It's nice to know what the trends will be in the summer of 2015. Which sounds so very far away! So let's enjoy these pictures with trends of this year.
Shoplog: The parka
Sometimes my posts can feel like a self fulling prophecy. I write about a Zara sale and I order 3 items. I write about a Bershka sale and I order a new biker jacket. And on Sunday I wrote about parka's. I already wrote I was searching for one. I also tried one several parka's the last few weeks. I found one at C & A which looked warm, but the price was € 69,90. Not that expensive for a warm winter coat, but I wanted a cheaper coat. So when I suddenly found this amazing parka in the store at C & A for only € 39,90 I needed to have it.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 38
Every week I'm getting further and further toward the end of my research papers. Which means the end of my school days are in sight. Exciting! And a little bit scary sometimes. It seems this week was really the last week filled with warm weather.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Parka all the way
Parka's have been trendy for quite a while now. I can understand why, since they're warm. I'm searching for one myself. Sometimes they're quite expensive. I'm searching for an affordable parka. The coat has to be warm. The parka can't be too long, since I'm short. I don't want to look like I'm wearing my mothers coat. Even though my mom has one awesome coat which I really like. Why the sudden need for a parka? I do have several coats, but they're not really warm. I decided to show a couple of parka's which are not super expensive.
C & A € 69,90
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Zara lookbook September
Time for some inspiration in the form of a lookbook again. This lookbook is from Zara and it's the lookbook for September. Which usually means it's not that cold outside yet. And that's an understatement this year. September has been quite warm here. Apparently Zara anticipated this because this lookbook shows some clothes which are appropriate for colder weather. But the outfits are shown with bare legs, which is really cold in the winter.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Musthaves with discount at New Look
New Look has a 30 % (25 % if you're in the UK) discount on musthaves items. I selected a few items I like and these items are affordable. I'm showing a lot of (floral) dresses, simply because New Look has a lot of (floral) dresses. And I think they're cute! I especially love the leopard tunic/dress.
Now € 37,49, first € 49,99
Now € 37,49, first € 49,99
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Lumberjack all the way. I bought one blouse at C & A and got another from my mother. Both are lumberjack blouses. I also saw the lumberjack blouse in blue and white and red and black. It was hard to chose, but I like the ones I have.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Mango lookbook September
This lookbook from Mango has some artsy pictures in it. That makes the lookbook a little bit more different than other lookbooks. When I look at the items I notice a lot of loose pants. Comfy & cozy are the trends this fall and winter. I like! I especially love the squared sweater and coat. I like the cut out boots as well, though they will be too cold in the winter.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
New articles at H & M
I told myself I should stop shopping for a while. My blog is filled with shoplogs at the moment. People might think I'm a shopaholic! But keeping this promise of not shopping is very hard when H & M sends you an e-mail with the news that they just added 999 items to the webshop. There are some lovely items again. I also noticed that loose fitted jeans are become popular again. I hope skinny jeans won't disappear completely, I suspect not. You're never sure though. Because I like both skinny jeans and loose fitted jeans.
I went to a thrift shop again today. It has been quite a while. I went to a thrift shop in January and I went to the same one today. This time I saw a lot of coats, which made me happy since I love coats. It can be a challenge to go through the items. Which look good, which don't? Are there any clothes I would like to wear? Sometimes you find something you like and sometimes you don't. I succeeded, just like the last time.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 37
I really can't believe it's been a year since I first posted my very first ootw. The pics weren't that great since my mom took them with her phone. While her phone makes great pictures, it's nothing compared to a regular camera which I later "borrowed" from my dad. Or a reflex camera which I use now. Or I should say my mom. Because she is my dedicated photographer. Up to another year right?
I was in my town for a quick groceries trip. I just wanted to take a quick look at Takko Fashion. That's almost never a good idea. I did buy some new items (again). But two of them are mustard and I love that color. The color mustard has been a trend for a while now. It's definitely a great fall color and perfect to combine with red and black. Jeans of course as well.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Topshop fashion show
Saturday, September 13, 2014
4 in 1
While I was at work my H & M package came in. I guess the postman was ready for the weekend, because he left the package at the door at the back. Even though my sister and father were at home. I guess they didn't hear the bell? Any how, the package came in. When I came home I unwrapped it and immediately tried on the clothes.
Friday, September 12, 2014
New lookbook from Forever 21
Forever 21 has launched a new capsule collection with looks inspired by the runway. There's a lot of (fake) fur, which is always nice for the winter. I'm not a big fan of fur or fake fur. Though some people can really rock it. I also spot a biker jacket. The price is as awesome as my biker jacket from C & A. If I didn't just buy two, I might have ordered it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Sneak preview of Alexander Wang for H & M
Here are the first few pictures of the Alexander Wang for H & M collection. These pics show sporty and dark items. The items are mostly black and you see some white items. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the collection looks like this. Besides not colourful, the items look clean cut. The items don't have too much going on and look simple. The price will be higher than regular H & M items. The collection will be available on November 6.
Brown faux leather jacket
It took a few days for Bershka to get my package ready. But when it was ready for send of, it came the next day. It came from Barcelona and I'm slightly jealous on my jacket. I've never been to Spain let alone Barcelona, but it's definitely a country and a city I want to visit in the future. Perhaps next year?
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Shopping with Nelly
I'm a big fan of shopping and Nelly has now the ideal theme for me for their new collection: epic shopping. This is the fall/winter lookbook from Nelly. After not being very enthusiastic with the last few lookbooks, this one feels like a welcome change. I love the first two outfits. I especially love the pink coat, even though it would be too long for me since I'm very short. Most of these outfits inspire me and that's partly what lookbooks are for. The main reason is to check out and buy the collection and I'm very tempted looking at these items.
Another shoplog! This one was partly necessary and partly... Uhm. Yeah, I just wanted to have this biker jacket, so I have no excuse for that. But can you blame me? You probably won't blame me, especially when you know how expensive it was (spoiler alert: it wasn't).
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Christmas lookbook River Islands
Sometimes I see a lookbook which doesn't show clothes I would wear, but still look fantastic. Whether it's the clothes, the combinations, the setting or just the pictures them self. Sometimes just feels right and makes me feel more enthusiastic about the clothing. Even though I wouldn't wear it myself. This lookbook shows the Christmas collection from River Islands. Thinking about Christmas sounds awfully soon. It's a good thing the items are wearable all the year and not just with Christmas.
My whole blog is filled with shoplogs at the moment. Sometimes I just buy a lot. Okay, I always buy a lot. This leopard blouse from H & M isn't something I usually wear or would buy. Mostly because I'm afraid it might make me look tacky. This blouse was only € 10,- in the sale. The blouse was originally € 24,95. Sometimes it's just nice to buy something out of your comfort zone.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 36
It almost feels like the weather this week was better than the whole month in August. But August feels like ages ago, so what do I know? Well, I know it was quite cold for the year. And this week the weather was good. This has been going on the last couple of years (weather in August being awful and cold, September warm). So it's not that surprising.
Shop, shop, shop until you drop. I ordered two new items. In my defense, they weren't expensive and I can always send it back. I ordered a striped dress at H & M which was only € 14,99. It looks and when I saw the price I couldn't believe my eyes.The price was even under € 20,-. I already have a few outfits in mind so I hope it fits!
€ 14,99
Friday, September 5, 2014
I might have wrote that I didn't like the lookbook from Bershka and I still don't. But I mentioned a brown faux leather jacket in the post I really liked. And it was only € 29,99. I want to replace my brown faux leather jacket (from Bershka as well, I bought several years ago) for the longest time. Why replace the jacket? Because it was the perfect fall jacket (it's not warm enough for the winter). Plus, who am I kidding? I love jackets, especially faux leather ones. The jacket was originally € 35,99 and is now on sale for € 29,99.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Urban lookbook with Bershka
I was in the Bershka last Tuesday and the collection wasn't my cup of tea. I was slightly disappointed when I didn't find the brown faux leather jacket which I really want to buy. But it was better for my wallet. When I see these pictures from the new lookbook of Bershka, I don't get excited. Whenever I'm close by a Bershka store I will still take a peek inside. 'Cause you never know when you find something great. But based on these pictures alone I won't visit the store.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Shoppping in Almere is always fun. Today it was time to visit the city again. I bought a ton, as usual. I was slightly disappointed I didn't buy anything at Primark. But I was as sorry later when I bought a lot. I even saw All Stars for half the price, but I already spend too much money. So I didn't buy any Converse.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 35
The idea that I've been blogging for over a year is strange. Just like the idea that this blog will be a year old within a few weeks. It feels like I just started blogging. But enough reminiscing, I'll cross that bridge when the time is there. This definitely is the end of August. The weather this month was colder than usual in August. It felt like an early fall. But this has happened the last few years and the beginning of the fall was mostly good. Lets hope that this year it will be the same.
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