Monday, May 11, 2015

Outfits of the week: Week 19

I felt very sick on Sunday so that's why I postponed wearing the outfit I had in mind for Sunday, by wearing it on Monday. I went all pink for the new princess of Cambridge, just for the lolz. On Sunday the name was announced and I think it's a lovely name: Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Very touching that they, William & Catherine, honoured so many who are dear to them (Charles/Pippa, Elizabeth II and duh, Diana). Long story short, that's why I started Monday with an all pink outfit. Lets see what else I wore this week.

I actually do like this outfit even though I wanted an all pink outfit on purpose. But just like my Kingsday outfit, I do think it should look good. And I think this outfit (and my outfit on Kingsday) do work. The pink fluffy vest I wore is from Primark and it was quite warm with the vest on, but my temperature was still all over the place. So one minute I was cold, the other minute I was warm. All better now though! The pink blouse is from Primark as well, the pants are from H & M and the wedges are from Bershka.

On the 4th of May we remember the people who died during World War II. On the 5th of May we celebrate our freedom after five years of occupation during World War II. There are always a lot of festivals on the 5th of May. I went to a festival in Zwolle with friends. It was very hot during the afternoon until it started to rain. There was a lot of wind as well. After a couple of hours it stopped and we went to the festival. We didn't feel like going when it was raining, since all of the celebrations were outside. I wore my denim jacket from Bershka, a T-shirt from the Conscious Collection (old) from H & M and my tregging from H & M. The sneakers are from Bershka..

I went to Batavia Stad (a shopping centre with outlets) with my dad. I just wanted to take a look at the Nike outlet and I never expected to see Nike Air Max Thea, but I did. I bought them and I'm still so happy with them! I wore my parka from H & M (which I bought through Marktplaats), an old blouse from C & A and old jeans from H & M.

A good hairday! Unfortunately those are rare. I wore my old jeans from H & M again and I combined them with my new sneakers, Nike Air Max Thea, again. I combined these items with my checkered blouse from C & A. To add some color, I wore my 'new' blazer from H & M which I bought at Kingsday.


Wow, my legs are almost as pale as my denim jacket from Kruidvat. Luckily the dress from Primark is a different color, or otherwise you might've searched for me in the picture because the legs are almost transparant. That's because I don't really tan anymore like I used to. Bad for the health. Of course you need sun, because of the vitamin D. But you don't need to tan for hours. Btw, the heels are from Van Haren.

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