I loved Gossip Girl during season 1. Even have it on dvd. But the quality already started to decline in the second half of the first season (writers strike was so bad for a lot of television shows). And every season the quality dropped even more. Just like the outfits got worse. But we'll always have season 1, right? I wrote earlier about Leighton Meester and her campaign with Nelly.com. On the webshop there was a great collage (pics are by Nelly.com) with super cute outfits from Blair on Gossip Girl and how to recreate them.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Flowers and dots everywhere
I was anxiously waiting on my Zara package, but when it came it was still a surprise. I didn't except the package to arrive today. I will take pictures with my photo camera this weekend, but it was such crappy weather and I wanted to show these items.
H & M Fashion show
H & M showed their collection of H & M Studio autumn/winter 2014 yesterday in Paris during the Paris Fashion Week.You could watch the Fashion show through a stream, but I missed it. You can watch it over here. While we all are preparing for the spring and summer, the fashion world is already prepping for the autumn and winter. And what can we except for those seasons according to H & M? Take a look.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Ready? Okay!
I've been wanting to make a post about this for quite some time now (since December last year). And here it finally is. I jog once a week. I want to run more in the spring an summer. So when I do, I need to have good shoes. Sports shoes that are specially made for jogging. I have no problem spending a little bit extra for good shoes, because you can really ruin your knees if you have bad shoes. If you don't run often and not very far, you can use the shoes for two years. If you jog a lot and you always run a lot of kilometers, you should buy shoes once a year. Because the shoes have to endure a lot as well as your knees. I forgot when I bought my last running shoes and found out I bought my last pair in December 2010. Way too long ago and I felt my knees while running for quite some time. So it was way overdue to buy new shoes.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
No forwarding charges and a 10 % discount. I read this in my newsletter for H & M and of course got excited. While my wishlist for the new collection is too long, the most items I loved and were still available are already hanging in my closet. Except for this one. Such a chic looking blouse. Only 7 euros now in the sale. Originally 14,95 euros. I don't remember seeing it before though.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 8
I can't believe the first two months of 2014 are almost over. I still think it's 2013 sometimes. However, the bright side of February almost being over. Spring is definitely coming! The temperatures are going up again, though we've been really fortunate this winter in the Netherlands. It has been very windy, but not very cold.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Zara sale
I don't shop at Zara, I used to go in the store but never found something interesting or it was way too expensive for my liking. However, lately I've been checking the website and I found some cute items for a very good price. They're all on sale.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Superga shoes
As a shoeaholic, I always look at what other woman are wearing on their feet. Whether they're wearing heels, sneakers or UGGs, I always look. I already said I love All Stars, but I just discovered a new brand: Superga. Which you can buy on a new site I just found. I still don't often shop at other stores than H & M online. So I usually find them through another blogger. As I did now. About Superga, the shoes are sometimes a little bit more pricey but they look awesome. I selected a couple I like. I also don't have any experience with this brand, but they look cool. Have you heard of this brand before? And do you own a pair of Superga shoes?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 7
Driving lessons, schoolwork and schoolwork. Honestly, my weeks are quite boring since it's mostly filled with doing schoolwork. I want to shop again so badly!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
New collection of New Look
Since my Valentine post I discovered New Look. A great brand with budget prices. Hereby the lookbook of New Look from the spring/summer collection 2014. A lot of graphic prints, flower prints, wide items and high waisted jeans. There are four lines: California Dreaming, New Look Seattle Grunge, Neon Bloom and Tomorrows Yesterday.
California Dreaming:
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Pants & other stuff
Some people like the smell of old books, I love the smell of new clothes. It smells kinda like plastic and other weird stuff, which I'm sure I don't want to know about it. Still, there's something I just like about the smell of new clothes. Probably the fact they're new clothes. My point is, I received my package from the H & M.
New shoes! I bought new shoes again! I didn't want sneakers like these for years, but lately I looked different at the sneakers. I kinda warmed up to them. So when I saw a store in my village had a 50 % discount, I knew I just needed to take a quick peak. There were some All Stars, Nikes and other sneakers on sale. This pair and another one, also Nike, were the only ones in my size. But I immediately wanted to try these on. They look cool, sporty and feminine with the pink accent. They're also really comfy. And they were only 40 euros, if not on sale, they are 80 euros.
Monday, February 17, 2014
New articles at H&M.com
New articles at the H & M webshop! H & M is my favorite store and website, as you probably already guessed/knew. So whenever there is a new action or new articles I really want to order something. I didn't, but I did make a selection of some articles I like.
Jacket € 39,95
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Leighton Meester for Nelly.com
Cute flower prints and Lauren Conrad
I really love the style of Lauren Conrad. She has a chic and awesome clothing style, but nothing really crazy. Everything she wears looks wearable though pricey. She has a clothing line and I really like the items that are part of the collection. Here is a sneak preview for her new spring collection. Cute and affordable. Unfortunately not for sale in Europe, but the Americans can buy the clothes at Kohls.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 6
I had my second driving lesson this week. I also went bowling with colleagues. The rest of the week I was very busy with school.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Happy Valentines Day
Like the title says, happy Valentines day! It might be a day where it's a bit more fun to be in a relationship, but we single gals can have fun too! Since I love shopping, I searched for a couple of Valentines Day items. With hearts and lots of flowers. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
I just couldn't help myself. H & M had a wonderful action again. Some items were 50 % off. I always love those actions. So naturally I had to order something. And I haven't shopped in ages, though I really want to! Just don't have the time because of school. So online shopping is awesome in this cases.
This vest is normally 12,95 euros. Now it's only 6,45 euros. I've seen the vest before and I wanted to have it so badly. And now it's on my way to me.
Takko Fashion sometimes has great clothes for great prices. Even though sometimes I don't find anything good at all. It's really a hit or miss, but I have that with most stores. However, today was another hit. I bought this baby blue sweater for only 10 euros.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award. Totally Tokyolo nominated me. Thank you so much for nominating me, I feel so honoured :)! Now if you're wondering what a Liebster Award is, I can't blame you. It's an award which fellow bloggers give to each other, so they can get a bigger audience. Liebster means favorite in German, thus the Favorite Blog Award.
These are the questions from Totally Tokyolo.
1. When did you start blogging?
26 August 2013. First on Tumblr. After a while I realized Tumblr just didn't feel right for my blog. It's a great website for posting pictures, but not so much for articles with a lot of text. I started this blog on October 3 2013.
2. What’s your favorite movie?
That's a though one. I think The Day After Tomorrow. But I also The Titanic. And Rat Race for the lolz. Damn, I like too many movies. I can sum up so much more. But I'll stop now.
That's a though one. I think The Day After Tomorrow. But I also The Titanic. And Rat Race for the lolz. Damn, I like too many movies. I can sum up so much more. But I'll stop now.
3. Place to see before you die?
Though one as well.
Though one as well.
4. Favorite food?
Sushi and french fries! Quite funny, because there was a time I wasn't really fond of it. A couple years later I discovered and now it's like my favorite food. I always loved fries, ever since I was a little kid. And let's face it, I'm still little and very much a kid.
Sushi and french fries! Quite funny, because there was a time I wasn't really fond of it. A couple years later I discovered and now it's like my favorite food. I always loved fries, ever since I was a little kid. And let's face it, I'm still little and very much a kid.
5. Gold or silver?
6. Favorite designer?
Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The wedding dress from duchess Catherine (formerly known as Kate Middleton) is divine!
Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The wedding dress from duchess Catherine (formerly known as Kate Middleton) is divine!
7. What celebrity have people told you, you look like?
None. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not.
None. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not.
8. The craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?Baked banana at the Chinese. It looks like something I like with meat, but it wasn't. I was so disgusted, annoyed and disappointed. Whenever I see something like the baked banana meal, I always ask if it's with banana or meat.
9. The perfect date?
Dinner and a movie!
Dinner and a movie!
10. Fashion or gossip magazines?
I don't really read magazines anymore, although I love reading magazines about royalty.
I don't really read magazines anymore, although I love reading magazines about royalty.
11. Your favourite blog?
Fashionisaparty. It's by a Dutch girl and she often takes daring risks in fashion. I don't necessarily like every outfit, but I like the fact that she takes risks. I like to play it safe, but she really inspires me to take more risks.
I nominate the following blogs:
Here are my questions:
1. What is your favorite outfit?
2. How would you describe your style?
3. What is your favorite blog?
4. Where do you get your inspiration from?
5. What is your favorite store?
6. What is your most expensive purchase ever?
7. What purchase do you regret most (this year, last year or ever)?
8. Which item is on your wishlist?
9. What is your favorite celebrity style?
10. Which country would you like to visit for a shopping trip?
11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Fashionisaparty. It's by a Dutch girl and she often takes daring risks in fashion. I don't necessarily like every outfit, but I like the fact that she takes risks. I like to play it safe, but she really inspires me to take more risks.
I nominate the following blogs:
Here are my questions:
1. What is your favorite outfit?
2. How would you describe your style?
3. What is your favorite blog?
4. Where do you get your inspiration from?
5. What is your favorite store?
6. What is your most expensive purchase ever?
7. What purchase do you regret most (this year, last year or ever)?
8. Which item is on your wishlist?
9. What is your favorite celebrity style?
10. Which country would you like to visit for a shopping trip?
11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Outfits of the week: Week 5
This was the week I started with driving lessons. I'm excited yet totally petrified, but it's about time I started. It's also the week where I chopped my hair off.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Two pair of blazers
Guess what...? Another package came in. My two blazers! They're so pretty. I love the color of the pink one, but I love the blue one because of the print. So glad I bought them, despite not wanting to order anything.
Friday, February 7, 2014
It's all about denim
This package came right in time, since I was going out with colleagues and had no clue what to wear. But my denim blouse came in and I wore it. Love it, so different than just a denim blouse.
Warm Sweater day
It's Warme Truiendag in the Netherlands today, which literally means warm sweater day. This day was invented to celebrate the Kyoto Protocol (an agreement between loads of countries to reduce gas). On this day you wear a warm sweater so you can turn down the heating or off. It's has been done a couple of times in the Netherlands and while they may have been loads of news articles about it. It's not really popular. To be quite honest, it's not particularly cold today but I suspect enough people will still have the heating quite high.
I made a selection of affordable and cute sweaters you can wear today. Enjoy your warm sweater day!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Miranda Kerr for H & M
Guess what? After supermodel Doutzen Kroes modeled for H & M, another colleague from Victoria Secret will model for H & M. It's now up to Miranda Kerr. She will model for the summer collection of 2014. Miranda Kerr previously was the face of Mango. I'm very curious about the summer collection, because I was super excited about the spring collection.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Sneaker day
I was so happy today, 'cause my All Stars came in! In retrospect, I didn't have to wait long, but I'm always anxious ordering something from a new website. I never ordered something from Sarenza. I can recommend the website, though a lot of shoes are quite expensive. I only ordered these All Stars since they were on sale. Unfortunately, not anymore. I'm quite happy with my new shoes and they fit perfectly. I was slightly worried about the size as well, since I already own a pair of All Stars and secretly wish that they would be half a size bigger. Since it's the same brand and the same shoes, but in a different color, I wondered if they would fit. But they did! So relieved. I can wear them with sport socks (thicker than my regular socks) as well. All Stars are a bit chilly for the time of the year, so I wore them with my sport socks! Anyway, I'm a happy panda :)!
Outfits of the week: Week 4
This week was the first in a very long while I actually had a class again. I did have school work to do, but I could just do that at home. But now I'm going to school again. Feels a bit weird.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
New Bershka collection
I'm must admit that while I loved my brown leather jacket from Bershka, I don't think I've ever bought something there after that jacket. Bershka isn't that expensive, but whenever I'm in the store I'm not that fond of the collection. Yet I often look at their store whenever I'm in the neighbourhood. Here are some pictures of the new collection from Bershka. Do you like it?
Fake leather legging € 25,99
You can never... What did I order today? A blazer! Yes one can never have too many (fill in whatever you ordered) blazers. To look fashionable at work or just laid back going out with friends. This jersey blazer is only 9 euros at the H & M webshop. It was originally 29,95 euros.
Monday, February 3, 2014
I'm totally not a shopaholic and I totally can stop buying every moment. And I know I said I would stop buying clothes for a while now, but this was totally a bargain. Basically, I have been saying this for like a half year now. And I just go on and on and on. I won't bore you guys with my internal monologue about me who might be having a shopping addiction. These jeans were only 9,95 euros at the H & M webshop. I'm loving these deals and loving these jeans, since I own them in a darker blue version, black and a dark denim version. But one can never have enough jeans. Or I might have now...
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Home is where the heart is
This might not have anything to do with fashion, but if you're interested in interiors you might like this post. H& M has launched their spring/summer Home collection. There are four lines: Graphic Elegance (a lot of graphic prints and black & white), Modern Vintage (industrial and subtle colors), Bohemian Romance (romantic with lots of flowers and ruffles) and Color Pop (very playful patterns and loads of colors). The collection looks cute and makes me long for spring and summer! Do you like the new collection?
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