Monday, March 2, 2015

Outfits of the week: Week 9

This was a very dark and sad week. As you might've read, Moschino passed away Thursday night. He was finally getting better but he unfortunately got pneumonia. This week started out fine but ended horribly. 

I went to a town nearby with my dad. I wore my mustard sweater from Takko Fashion, faux leather pants from H & M and leopard sneakers from Scapino. I bought new fake All Stars at Van Haren. The employee told me the sneakers would come in several other colors. I hope the colors are salmon and baby blue. I would love to add those colors to my collection.


Dark red with dark red. I went to another town with my mom and I bought a new T-shirt at C & A. The blouse is from H & M, the white jeans from C & A and the fake low All Stars from Van Haren.


My new pastel pants from C & A. I combined the pants with my dark polkadot top from H & M and I wore my Puma sneakers from Pro.


I went to Amsterdam on Thursday with my mom. I went to Het Rijksmuseum. It's a famous museum and I hadn't been there before. It was lovely to see, but it was also super crowded. Afterwards I went to the H & M and bought two new vests. I also went to Topshop, it was the first day the store was open for public. It was super crowded and the clothes in the store didn't really appeal to me. I thought it was rather expensive. I wore my striped top from H & M (old), tregging from H & M and Roshe Run from Nike.


Friday was a horrible day and Thursday wasn't great either, even though I went to Amsterdam. Moschino had trouble breathing on Wednesday eve. On Thursday my sister and father went to the vet and it really looked bad. And unfortunately it was. Moschino passed away Thursday night. It was way too soon, he was only 11,5 years. But he had been sick since mid December. Last Friday it looked like he finally recovered but in just one day he became very sick. You can read more about the sweetest and most beautiful cat here (I realize most cat owners say that about their cat, I can type this because I was a cat owner.). Moschino, you will forever be missed! The outfit pictures were shot on Sunday, because I wasn't in the mood to shoot outfit pictures on Friday. But this is what I wore that day: my leopard vest from H & M, my mustard sweater from Takko Fashion, my tregging from H & M and the studded grey ankle boots from Van Haren (old).


On Sunday I combined my new vest from H & M with my red top from C & A, black jeans from H & M (old) and my new dark red sneakers from Van Haren.


  1. I loved the outfit but the mustard sweater is my favorite ! :)

  2. lovely outfit
    nice blog
    I am following your blog, please follow back

    1. Thank you, of course I want to follow back :)

  3. Feeling sorry for your cat! I've got two cats myself and they are my sweethearts!
    Lovely looks by the way!

    Joy. |

    1. Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me. Yes losing a pet is always very sad.

  4. Beautiful looks!!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

